Friday, December 9, 2011

8 Days Later

My dayjob schedule's dramatically changed in the last week, and I've needed to adjust; hasn't been easy.

Sure, my new schedule lets me sleep in later on weekdays than I have in nearly two decades, but it in turn eats away at my evenings, making my productive time more scarce. Granted, my productive time wasn't all that productive to begin with, but that's a whole different issue. With less workable time on my hands now, I need to be more directed, more proactive with what time I have. Nice metaphor for life, that.

At the same time, having less time lets me turn it into more time. That is to say, with the presence of an impending deadline I am more likely to produce more effectively. The scarcity of the time makes the time not only more valuable, but also more productive.

Yet here I am, not posting until eight days after my last "habit-founding" post. Maybe time just got away from me, or maybe I needed a better reason to use the time I have.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Checking In to Build a Habit

As I write type this it's five minutes to six in the morning, local time. I have Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip playing three feet in front of me ("Nevada Day, part 1" in particular). Most weekdays at this time I would be collecting my case and readying to head out to the door for my dayjob, but today I'm working one of our "switched shifts", which means that I'm not due to arrive there until eight am. So I have open time.

I need to get into a pattern of posting to this blog, and preferably posting something significant. Significant this is not.

Instead I'm writing more to help develop this pattern; posting to make a habit of posting.


And I'm coming up empty. I guess I'm just checking in, then.

It's twelve minutes past six now. I'll think about something substantial to write in the future.